Another great day at the craft cabin! Each camper who signs up for crafts as there primary activity gets to spend at least three hours a day working on their crafts and some even add an additional hour during their optional time! There are some great projects being completed this year and enthusiasm is high!

The ropes course is also moving on to some of the more exciting events. In addition to the climbing tower, they have now moved up to the High Ropes and are also starting to add the Leap of Faith and Heaven Bound. But first they are called on to master the Wall of Jericho where the object is to get the entire team up and over the seemingly insurmountable wall!

One of the wonderful things about camp is the opportunity to make new friends. Sometimes it is re-connecting with old friends from other years or even other camp sessions. But many times it is getting to know people that were strangers on Sunday when they arrived! Seeing people learn to laugh and share the things that are important is very encouraging for all of us.
Check back tomorrow for more updates about the chapels and Bible studies…