This is the view of the Lodge on March 19, 2013! It is hard to believe that in just a few months the sun will be shining, the grass will be green and camp will be filled with hundreds of campers! Will you be there? Registrations are filling fast, so don’t delay. Register today and make sure your campers have a place reserved for camp this summer. Visit
www.liloli.org for more information and to register online.

This is going to be a great summer! We are celebrating our 60th Anniversary this June and are expecting a huge crowd to join us on June 29th. This will be a day of thanks as we remember all that the Lord has accomplished here at camp over the past sixty years. Be a part of it!

And if you were a camper whose life was changed by the Lord Jesus Christ at camp, make it a priority this year to help others experience the same thing! There are young people who may not be thinking about eternity. They need to hear the gospel. What better place than Camp Li-Lo-Li where the Bible comes to life!