The first snow fell at camp this week, as well as many other places in the Northeast! It is very light with just a dusting on the lawns and roofs and will all be gone later in the day. We are certain that more will be coming! But we also know that it is from the Lord. Just this week, I was reading in Job 37:6 where it says “For He says to the snow, fall on the earth.” God has a plan even for the elements.

Later on God asks Job the question, “Have you entered into the treasures of the snow?” Job 38:22 So often the Bible uses snow as an example of purity, holiness and righteousness and we can see why when we consider a freshly fallen blanket of snow covering the ground below it. At other times, snow is a source of blessing and refreshment to a parched land. But in this passage, it seems to refer to a treasurehouse of snow reserved for a judgement to come. We serve a great and living God who is altogether holy, and is also the source of great blessing as well as righteous judgement. And all aspects seen in His own creation!

The final preparation of the snow plows and other snow management equipment is almost complete and we should be in good shape to handle the winter weather to come. Even though many tasks still need to be done outdoors, there are always indoor projects as well. Preliminary work was started this week to repair the walls, floor and ceiling in some of the rooms at Bunny Camp. Most of this damage happened last winter and needs to be taken care of before the winter rolls around. We still have work on the Lodge roof, east wall and floor as well. Pray for Larry and Stacy as well as those assisting with this and many other winter projects!
Thank you for the updates and keep up the great work.