In the continuing account of our fall property maintenance tasks , here is the latest completed project! The roof on the ‘old’ girls wash house needed replacing and it was decided that a metal roof would be the best option.

The first step was to get all the old shingles off. Although the day began with early morning fog, the Lord gave us beautiful crisp, clear days to work on this outside project. Larry Thompson, Stacy Bodder and John Cole began the work of stripping the roof down to the plywood underlay.

Removing the shingles, tar paper, staples and nails was time consuming but necessary. Having the tractor nearby made the clean up much faster and much easier!

The original plywood was very thin and soft in a few places, so an additional layer of plywood was added to provide strength and to ensure that we don’t have to revisit this roof for many years to come!

Once the new plywood was installed we were able to add the snow and ice shield and tar paper to keep the roof dry and free from ice and snow.

The final step was to add the metal roof which was attached to the roof with special screws. Most of the work, including cutting to size was done on the roof. We are grateful to have men like Larry and Stacy who are skilled at this! Please pray for their continued safety while working here at camp.

The final step was to add the snow guards to the new roof. The new roof was installed in a matter of a few days and puts us in a good position to face the coming winter!
There are several more projects to be completed, including the back rooms of the bunny camp, the repair of the roof around the chimney at the Lodge as well as the new Lodge floor. We’ll keep you posted on the progress!