Maintenance Workers Required – Pre Teen 2

In recent years, Pre-Teen 2 has been one of our busier weeks during the summer and usually requires extra staff to make sure we have a smooth running week. One area in particular that requires help is our maintenance team. This is a critically important staff position...

Rifle Range Instructor Training Planned

Looking for another way to serve at Camp Li-Lo-Li? We are looking to see if there is an interest to get trained as a rifle instructor to work at the rifle range at camp. Training will be at camp and would require two Saturdays in either May or June. Cost will be...

2011 Winterfests

A belated update on our Pre-Teen and Teen Winter retreats. Both weekends were a great success with plenty of fun, fellowship and ministry. Snow was falling hard, but not hard enough to prevent an unscheduled volleyball game! Gary Foster was our Director again for the...

CPR Re-Certification Day

We are pleased to announce our annual CPR recertification day, this year on April 2nd at Cornerstone Chapel in Rochester. Cheryl Parnell, Dawn Washburn and Betsy McIntee will be running it. We will be starting promptly at 10.00 am and should be complete by...


I received this update from Larry Thompson today. Larry and Stacy have been working hard on the chapel bathrooms and… well, I’ll let Larry explain! V.B.O. The looks were becoming increasingly regular. A walk in the door, a quick sniff, eyes opened wide and...

Registration Open for Winter Retreats!

Pre-Teen and Teen Winter Retreats Most of you know we just had five feet of snow at camp this past week! That means we should have two great winter retreats. Join us for fun, fellowship, great ministry and great music! And snow! The Pre-teen Retreat is January 21-23,...