Pre-Teen 1 Monday

The days start early with cabin clean up, followed by the morning exercises, the raising of the flags and breakfast! We continued with our lessons in the life of Esther and learned of the banishing of Queen Vashti. It was a bad decision but one that God was able to...

Pre-teen 1 Sunday evening

Registration is always a busy time, but this year we had some extra visitors. King Ahasuerus arrived by horse to wander the grounds of the ancient city of “Shusan”. Servants were on hand to provide cookies and smiles to all those who were registering! Following...

New Family at Camp

Since the Williards left last summer we have been praying that the Lord would bring us a new family who love the Lord and want to serve Him at camp. We are very pleased to let you know that the Bodder family will be joining us starting May 1. Stacy and Bethany have...

Testimony of Steve Lucas

I was lead to the Lord through a born again believer from my Sophomore English class who attended the now defunct Berkshire Avenue Chapel in Buffalo, NY. Dan befriended me and invited me to the chapel young people’s meetings. I was raised Roman Catholic and was...