Summer Round Up – Thursday

A light rain began to fall around 6.00 am this morning but soon gave way to a beautiful day! We have been blessed this year by the unusually good weather! And we are making the most of it! Each group heads out in the morning to focus on their major activity. This year...

Summer Round Up – Wednesday

The morning began cool and foggy but soon warmed up to a beautiful day. This is so typical of Sunfish Run Valley! Having a warm and sunny day allowed us to continue with all the activities the campers had started in the previous days. The campers are attentive and...

Summer Round Up – Tuesday

Another great day at the craft cabin! Each camper who signs up for crafts as there primary activity gets to spend at least three hours a day working on their crafts and some even add an additional hour during their optional time! There are some great projects being...

Summer Round Up – Monday

Registration went well and by Sunday all the campers were hard at work taking their horse and swim tests to determine which activity they would be following all week. One of the first activities after registration is the Hazard Hike which explains the boundaries...

Teen 2 – Friday

Last day of camp! These are always bittersweet days as camp draws to a close but it has been a great time. The campers have bonded well together and both cabins and teams are working well! Our final chapels were Standing Firm in your Commitments where campers were...