Teen Winter Weekend 2012!

What a great weekend! It was cold, windy, snowy, sunny, windy and snowy at the same time and cold again! All on the same weekend. We had 114 teens at our winter retreat, along with about 35 staff members. We used every building on the hill and opened up an additional...

Great time at Snow Camp!

This past weekend more than sixty young people descended on Camp Li-Lo-Li for our annual Pre-Teen Winter Retreat! We weren’t sure if we would have enough snow for the weekend, but the Lord was good and sent us enough to make sure that everyone had a great time!...

Pre-teen and Teen Winter Snowfest!

 Winter is here and with it, our winter retreats! Last year we had plenty of snow, as well as great food, fun and fellowship and tremendous ministry. Start planning now for two great weekends in January! Pre-teen Winter Retreat is January 20-22, 2012...

Bunny Camp gets a new floor!

Major repairs are being done to the floors in the back rooms of Bunny Camp. The rooms had suffered water damage last year (and probably other years as well!), so a decision was made to replace the floors in both rooms. Grateful thanks to Bob Wheeler, John Cole, Larry...

Help Wanted this Saturday!

We are looking for all available helpers this Saturday, November 26, as we tear out the floor in the Lodge and prepare to install the beautiful new flooring. We are not looking for highly skilled workers, although they are also much appreciated, but it will be hard...