Camp Cell Phone Policy Ahead of Its Time?

Research says cellphones are impacting our ability to connect. What now? The New York Times article “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.” explores research on the toll our always-connected, never-fully-present way of life is taking on relationships and...

Schoolhouse Extension now closed in!

In our last blog update on the schoolhouse, we were pouring the footers in preparation for the foundation walls. The walls are now poured, backfilled, and painted with a waterproofing paint. A mud slab was added and work began on the structure.  The deck and...

Camp Li-Lo-Li Theme for 2016

Every year we create an overarching theme for camp. For the past few years we have focused on the faithfulness of God, especially as we live in a world where unfaithfulness seems normal behavior. Husbands and wives are often not faithful to each other even as they vow...

Weather Helps Our Projects!

There are three major projects happening at once at Camp Li-Lo-Li and the weather has helped us move forward at a good pace! The three major projects are the new cabins in the Boy’s area, the reconstruction of the bathroom in the Schoolhouse and the remodel of...

2016 Calendar is now up on the website!

We are still finalizing some details for the 2016 sessions but are happy to announce that the 2016 calendar has now been posted on the camp website at Or you can click on sessions and events and scroll down to 2016 Calendar. Please...