Camp continues to transition from the RTE training to a new Wilderness and Remote First Aid training. The new Wilderness course will be offered at camp on June 7-8, 2013. Those who have their RTE expiring this year are strongly encouraged to take the new training if at all possible. Others can join in this year or can wait until their RTE expires in the next 1-2 years. CPR Certification will be needed before the Wilderness training.

Designed for those working in remote environments, this course teaches how to respond to an emergency when help may be delayed.
Topics include:

  • Primary and Secondary Assessments
  • Head (Brain), Neck and Spinal Injuries
  • Heat-Related Emergencies
  • Hypothermia
  • Altitude-Related Illnesses
  • Allergies and Anaphylaxis
  • Burns
  • Bone and Joint Injuries
  • Wounds and Wound Infection
Friday and Saturday, June 7th and 8th at Camp Li-Lo-Li.
We will be starting at 8.00 pm on Friday night.

Must be 14 years old and hold current adult CPR/AED Certification

Certification is good for 2 years

Cost for the class is $19.00

Cost for materials is $16.00 + shipping

The fees have increased significantly due to Red Cross price increases. Please do not let this hinder you from coming. Let us know if assistance is needed. 


Please note:

  •     It is necessary to have the Wilderness First Aid material for the class.
  •     It is recommended you purchase the material prior to coming to the class.

  • The material can be purchased at Click on the First Aid link on the left side of the screen.  Wilderness First Aid material is Item # 656232. 

  • If you do not purchase the material before the class, please email Dawn so she can purchase ahead of time.

Please RSVP to Dawn Washburn by May 23, 2013
[email protected] Cell# (814) 414-5402