Last day of camp! These are always bittersweet days as camp draws to a close but it has been a great time. The campers have bonded well together and both cabins and teams are working well! Our final chapels were Standing Firm in your Commitments where campers were asked to make covenants or promises to God about how they would live their lives. Then they were asked to share that with someone else who would be willing to help keep them accountable. Our speaker Sam Butler and our Assistant Director Jeremy Bodder also worked hard to provide the music that would support the messages during our week!
A highlight of our last afternoon is our canoe races where teams compete a course across the lake, picking up additional passengers along the way before racing back to the beginning. This is always an especially competitive race and was followed by a staff canoe race as well!
The evening ended with a bonfire during which a number of campers and counselors shared what God had done in their lives. Many shared of the great struggles they had endured and others talked about how God had brought them through difficult events in their lives. It was a great way to end the night and the week! See you next year!