Registration was smooth and quick with almost all campers here and settled well before the afternoon safety briefings. Right after dinner the campers started in on their Sunday evening achievements. For many this is a highlight of the week with an opportunity to learn some outdoor skills like star gazing, outdoor cooking, fishing or canoeing. Over the course of several years the campers can become proficient in a variety of outdoor skills.

After achievements the campers all went to chapel and were given an introduction to our programs and to our directors and speaker. Our assistant director, Todd Eichenaur will be leading the music this year. Todd and his wife Miriam and their family have just returned from the Philippines where they have been serving the Lord for the past two years.

Gary Foster will again be directing camp and we are looking forward to the lessons on the life of Nehemiah. Our speaker this week is Nate Thomas who has served at camp for many years. We are especially thankful to have “Uncle Nate” here this week, knowing all of the medical issues he has endured over the past few years. Nate has again brought many of his puppets and will be sharing the Word of God in an interesting and but clear way.

Camp would not be camp without team games! Sue Wolcott is again heading up our sports teams and managing the team challenges. First things first! Designing team banners!

This year our summer theme is Serving the Lord (Romans 12:11) and we are looking for ways to help our campers and staff live it out in practical ways. This week we have a number of sevice projects that the campers can do as voluntary service. Here are a few campers that decided to weed the flower bed by the infirmary. Each of us have received so much and have been blessed in so many ways, it seems a small thing to serve the Lord even in simple ways. The Lord is good!